About Shield Properties, Inc.
Shield Properties, Inc. was founded in 1979 by William Agricola and licensed in Florida as Real Estate Brokerage Company.
Over the years Shield has evolved into one of the most respected and capable Land Brokerage Companies in North Florida. It has offered creative approaches to the successful marketing and sale of hundreds of thousands of acres of land in the Southeastern United States. Its approach has been to market on a tract-by-tract basis, tailoring sales strategy to the requirements of the client and the unique characteristics of each tract of land.
In the early 1980’s Shield Properties, Inc. was one of the first land brokerage Companies to assist the Forest Products industry in divesting of Timberland in Florida and the Southeast. With licensed forestry professionals on its sales team, it assisted Companies like Smurfit Stone Container (now West Rock), Brunswick Pulp and Paper Company, Procter and Gamble Cellulose Company and Foley Timber and Land Company in the sale of tens of thousands of acres of land. Since that time, Shield Properties, Inc. has continued to assist many leaders in the Timberland investing community in the selling and acquisition of timberland assets. Shield and its principal, William Agricola, have also been instrumental in assembling purchase groups to purchase vast amounts of timberland in the southeast. Being an Investor and owner of timberland himself, William Agricola has had the opportunity to better empathize with his clients and understand their needs throughout the investment process.